Minggu, 21 Desember 2014


Kenapa jarak antara ta'aruf (proses pengenalan), khitbah (tunangan) sampai akad nikah itu nggak boleh terlalu lama?
Karena Syaitan itu paling nggak suka ada anak Adam menikah. Maka segala upaya syaitan lakukan untuk menggoda agar pernikahan itu dibatalkan atau justru dijerumuskan ke dalam zina. Bahkan pernah saya dengar ada satu divisi khusus syaitan yang memang bertugas mempersulit pernikahan atau menceraiberaikan rumah tangga manusia.
Kalau jarak ta'aruf, khitbah dan akad nikah begitu jauh bahkan bertahun lamanya
Maka syaitan bisa menggoda dengan memberikan minimal dua macam godaan:
1. Diberikan rasa ragu untuk menikahinya. Bisa dengan ditampakkan banyak kekurangan calon, ada pria atau wanita lain yang terkesan lebih baik, juga segala keraguan lainnya.
2. Diberikan rasa merasa memiliki lebih padahal belum halal. Tak jarang yang bahkan beranggapan jika sudah tunangan boleh smsan mesra, pegangan tangan, boleh jalan berduaan, boncengan, akhirnya kebablasan.
Akhirnya berbuka sebelum waktunya.
Berkah berkurang, dosa terpampang.
So, kalau belum siap menikah bersabarlah.
Jangan ingin menikmati tanpa kesiapan dan keberanian menikahi.
Kalau sudah siap menikah segerakan. Biar tak terjadi fitnah. Biar hati makin sakinah.
  Sumber :https://plus.google.com/u/0/109499153411718537835/posts/Zk7b2rP26w4

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Info Tentang Kesehatan

 Info Buat Kamu Yang Telah Menikah
Moga Bermanfa`at..


Love The Inner
Adnan is one of the students in one of the universities in the city that has selogan andan jejama he is one of the outstanding students, active in various organizations that make it more mature and in love many friends.
When in college adnan implement learning activities as other students in general, as well as when it was in high school in the world kampuspun adnan active in many organizations capable of a wide range of achievements and scholarship he won. When the semester 3 adnan met a beautiful woman is beautiful, and she was very kind and very friendly she is one of the new students at the same university with him, the beautiful woman her nemes is mila
One day just like any other young man adnan also intends to declare cinrtanya to mila, they hold the promise through hp to meet at a park on campus.
After arriving on time, they both met in a very beautiful garden
with a sense of nervous adnan trying mengungapkan his heart to mila, at that time, adnan devote all his heart to mila, he revealed that he loved mila. After adnan finish talking, and in a soft voice mila respond to what is conveyed by adnan him to do.
"` afwan ka .., sister knows me not long ago, yet know the nature after me, and do not know who i am because we recently met ka., i do not want no regrets later in the future,. "
Adnan kept trying to convince that he has fallen in love with mila mila but still responded with attitude bijakdan with smile face beautiful woman said.
"kak if i may speak more schools that munkin kk bahwasannya all that haste was poorly gesah kk, i do not want anybody hurt between us because the game of love that is capable of blinding our hearts,. I and sister still live a learning process, and i want us to live life with love only me, you and our god knows. Let this love dwells in our hearts brother ..
The words of his beautiful lady was finally realize adnan to be more prudent in making decisions. He realized that what he is doing it is too rush - rush,. That in the end they agreed to pursue their aspirations tuk each carrying love in heart.
After the two of them to graduate and has worked they also reunited with the soul and the body are better prepared to complement each other. And in the end they also got married and lived happily with her son.